Date and place of birth
- 1973 January 08
- Ramnicu Valcea, Valcea, ROMANIA
Academic prepartion
- HSc (1987 - 1991): Mircea cel Batran High School, major in Mathematics and Physics, Ramnicu Valcea, Valcea, Romania;
- BSc (1991 - 1996): Faculty of Mathematics, Bucharest University, Bucharest, Romania;
- MSc (1996 - 1997): Master of Science and Degree in Mechanics and Differential Equations, Faculty of Mathematics, Bucharest University, Bucharest, Romania; second semester at Institute for Steel Structures, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece; (MSc thesis: A Finite Element Approach of Hemivariational Problems);
- MSc (2008 - 2009): Master of Science and Degree in Building Management in Civil Engineering, Faculty of Civil, Industrial and Agricultural Buildings, Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Romania;
- Post-university (1998 - 2000): Post-university courses in Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics, Bucharest University, Bucharest, Romania;
- Doctor's degree (2006): in Mathematics, specialization in Mathematical Statistics and Probability, Faculty of Mathematics, Bucharest University, Bucharest, Romania; (PhD thesis: Simulation Models with Applications in buildings reliability);
- senior member (Member No.: 80338854) of the International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT);
- member in International Association of Online Engineering (IAOE);
- member in Romanian Probability and Statistics Society;
- member in Association of European Operational Research Societies (EURO);
- member in World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET);
- reviewer (MR 2314759 nr.039937) - Mathematical Reviews, American Mathematical Society;
- reviewer - International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM);
- reviewer - American Journal of Software Engineering and Applications (AJSEA);
- reviewer - International Journal of Cyber Society and Education;
- reviewer - International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS); The 2nd International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation: IMETI 2009;
- reviewer - International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences (IISES);
- Editor-in-Chief at (Open Access, Peer reviewed), ISSN: 2247 – 689X & ISSN – L: 2247- 689X, CONSPRESS Publishing House, Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest
- associate editor (BJM- IJCIT -20101018-11) at International Journal of Computational Intelligence Techniques (Open Access, Peer reviewed), ISSN: 0976–0466 & E-ISSN: 0976–0474, Bioinfo Publications Journals
- member in Editorial Board of International Research Journal of Computer Engineering & Information Technology (irjCEIT);
- member in Editorial Board of Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology (JCSIT);
- member in Editorial Review Board, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, BCIS, MIS - Scientific Journals International;
- member in Scientific and Technical Committee & Editorial Review Board on Natural and Applied Sciences, The World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET);
- member in International Liaisons, International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology (e-CASE & e-Tech 2010);
- member in Scientific Committee of EEE'08 - The 2008 International Conference on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Government, The 2008 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing;
- member in Scientific Committee of ICKET 2014 - The 3rd International Conference on Knowledge and Education Technology, ICKET;
- member in Scientific Committee of ICCEM 2014 - The 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering and Materials, ICCEM;
- member in Scientific Committee of ICSIP 2014 - The 5th International Conference on Signal and Information Processing, ICSIP;
- member in Program Committe of EATIS 2014 - The 7th Euro American Association on Telematics and Information Systems, EATIS;
- member in Scientific Committee of ICMASE 2020 - International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications in Science and Engineering, ICMASE;
- member in Scientific Committee of ICMASE 2021 - International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications in Science and Engineering, ICMASE;
- coordinator in Romania on International Project DigiSTEM - Promoting Digital Learning in STEM Subjects;
- coordinator in Romania on International Project RULES_MATH - New Rules for assessing Mathematical Competencies;
- coordinator in Romania on International Project FutureMath - Future Mathematics;
- coordinator in Romania on International Project IGUAL - Innovation for Equality in Latin American University;
- coordinator in Romania on International Project MALog - Mathematical and Applied Logic (for Engineering and High School Students);
- coordinator in Romania on International Project CodeWitz - better programming skills;
- coordinator in Romania on International Project MobEduNet - Mobile Systems SW Engineering Education Network;
Professional universitary experience
- associate professor at Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest, Romania;
- assistant professor at Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest, Romania;
- teaching assistant at Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest, Romania;
- junior teaching assistant at Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest, Romania;
Visiting Professor
- University of Valladolid (UVA), Department of Statistics and Operational Research, Faculty of Science, Valladolid, Spain;
- Tampereen Ammattikorkeakoulu (TAMK), University of Applied Sciences, Tampere, Finland;
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mathematics, Physics and Computational Sciences, Thessaloniki, Greece;
- University of Macedonia (UOM), Economic and Social Sciences, Department of Applied Informatics, Thessaloniki, Greece;
- Univesity of Montenegro (UCG), Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics, Department for Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Podgorica, Montenegro;
- Angel Kanchev University of Rousse (RU), Faculty of Natural Sciences and Education, Ruse, Bulgaria;
- “Vasil Levski” National Military University (NVU), Artillery, Air Defense and CIS Faculty, Shumen, Bulgaria;
- Univesity of Miskolc (UM), Department of Analysis of the Institute of Mathematics, Miskolc, Hungary;
Teaching Experience
- Computer Science, Database and Programming Languages;
- Numerical Analisys and Numerical Methods;
- Operational Research;
- Probability and Statistics;
- Partial and Differential Equations;
- Lifelong learning, e-Learning, m-Learning;
List of publications (short list)
- "Learning Programming using Learning Objects" (with Stoica N.D.), Proceedings of The 10th International Conference on e-Learning - ICEL 2015, College of the Bahamas, Nassau, The Bahamas, 25-26 June 2015. Published by Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited Reading, UK, ISBN: 978-1-910810-25-5, pp.209-217
- "Personalized interactive learning solutions support IGUAL" (with Kujansuu E.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8278, Springer, Proceedings of the 6th Latin American Conference, CLIHC 2013, Carrillo, Costa Rica, December 2-6, 2013, pp.35-38, ISBN 978-3-319-03068-5;
- "Learning Solutions - Igual", European Scientific Journal (ESJ), special edition, No.2, pp.431 - 436, June (2013);
- "IGUAL - learning software, pedagogical methodologies and learning materials", Proceedings of The 5th International Interdisciplinary Conferencem, February 3-6, (2013) in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Published by IISES, pp.292-297;
- Ion Mierlus-Mazilu, "MALog - A project for mathematical and applied logics", Proceedings of The 1st International Interdisciplinary Conferencem, April, 15-18, (2012), Palermo, Sicily, Published by IISES, pp.239-240;
- "Inferences for the exponentiated Weibull distribution based on record statistics" (with Vasile Preda), Mathematical Reports, Publisher: Romanian Academy, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, Vol. 13(63), No. 3, (2011);
- "Mathematics for Engineers - admission exam for The Faculty Of Civil Engineering Bucharest in 1900 and 2000" (with Maria Cristina Caprita, Alexandru Aldea), Scientific Journal of the Technical University of Civil Engineering, Mathematical Modelling in Civil Engineering, Bucharest, Vol. 7, No. 1-2 - March (2011), pp. 39-48;
- "M-learning Objects", Proceedings of The 2010 International Conference on Electronics and Information Engineering (ICEIE 2010), Kyoto, Japan, August 1-3, 2010, Vol 1, pp. V1/113-117, IEEE Catalog Number CFP 1036K-PRT, IACSIT, ISBN 978-1-4244-7680-0
- "On Generalized Pareto Distributions", The Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting (RJEF), Volume 13, Issue 1, ISSN 1582-6163, pp. 107-117, (2010)
- "Mobile Learning in Education and Training", Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Interactive Mobile and Computer Aided Learning, IMCL2009, under the umbrella of the International Association of Online Engineering, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Amman, Jordan, pp. 297-302, April 22-24, 2009, ISBN 978-3-89958-479-0
- "Some skew-Lapalce distributions", Proceedings of the Romanian Academy, Series A: Mathematics, Physics, Technical Sciences, Information Science, Publisher : Romanian Academy, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, Volume 10, Number 2 May - August 2009, ISSN: 1454 - 8267
- "Challenge for Programming Language Learning Objects", The 2008 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Applied Computing, The 2008 International Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer Science and Computer Engineering, (FECS), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 14-17
- "Impact of Wireless Technologies (M-learning) in Education", IT Towards empowerment, International Conference (ITE 2007), 26-29 November 2007, Bangkok, Thailand
- "Risk analysis models in medical act" (with Trandafir R., Demetriu S.), The 8th Balkan Conference on Operational Research (BALCOR 2007), 14-17 September 2007, Belgrade-Zlatibor, Serbia
- "Measure of risk analysis in medical act", Trends and Challenges in Applied Mathematics, International Conference (ICTCAM 2007), 20-23 June 2007, Bucharest, Romania
- "Distance Education and Interactive Technology" (with Nistorescu M.S., Carabaneanu L.), Ser. A, Research Reports 5, Tampere Polytechnic, ISBN 952-5264-46-7 3, pp. 61-66, (2006)
- "Trends in E-Learning" (with Carabaneanu L., Trandafir R.), Ser. A, Research Reports 5, Tampere Polytechnic, ISBN 952-5264-46-7 3, pp. 106-111, (2006)
- "Evaluating Virtual Learning" (with Trandafir R., Nistorescu M.S.), Ser. A, Research Reports 5, Tampere Polytechnic, ISBN 952-5264-46-7 3, pp. 115-120, (2006)
- "Types of Learning Objects", International Journal of the Computer, the Internet and Management, Vol 14, Number SP1, pp. 15.1-15.6, August (2006)
- "Codewitz Learning Objects", Proceedings of The 6th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC2006), 19-21 Aprilie 2006, Famagusta, North Cyprus, Vol. 3, pp. 1222-1230, (2006)
- "Java Programming using e-learning" (with Nistorescu M.S., Trandafir R.), Proceedings of The 2nd Symposium Educational Technologies on Electronic Platforms in Engineering Higher Education (TEPE 2005), 27 - 28 May 2005, Bucharest, Romania, Ed. Conspress, ISBN 973-7797-48-5, pp. 154-166, (2005)
- "Methods for Reliability Analysis of Structural Systems" (with Trandafir R., Demetriu S.), Proceedings of The 30th Summer School Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics, 7-12 June 2004, Sozopol, Bulgaria, Ed. Softtrade, pp. 210-218, (2005)
- "Estimating the Parameters of a Fatigue Model" (with Trandafir R., Demetriu S.), Analele Universitatii Bucuresti, Informatica, Anul LIII, Nr. 1, pp. 37-46, (2004)
- "On Simulating D - Distributions", Operational Research an International Journal, Volume 3, Number 2, pp. 155-165, (2003)
- "Determination of Reliability Bounds for Structural Systems Using Linear Programming" (with Trandafir R., Demetriu S.), Analele Universitatii Ovidius din Constanta, Vol. 11(2), pp. 171-182, (2003)
- "C++ Programming using e-learning (Programare asistata de calculator pentru învatarea limbajului C++)" (with Nistorescu M.S.), Proceedings of The First Symposium Educational Technologies on Electronic Platforms in Engineering Higher Education (TEPE 2003), 09 - 10 May 2003, Bucharest, Romania, Ed. Conspress, pp. 346-360, (2003)
- "On numerical simulation of some random variables" (with Trandafir R.), Proceedings of The 27th Summer School Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics, 10-17 June 2001, Sozopol, Bulgaria, Heron Press, ISBN 954-580-115-8, pp. 524-530 (2002)
- "Generating Random Varibles from D – distributions" (with Trandafir R.), Proceedings of The 27th Summer School Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics, 10-17 June 2001, Sozopol, Bulgaria, Heron Press, ISBN 954-580-115-8, pp. 477-484 (2002)
- "Markov Chain Monte-Carlo Method and its Aplications in Queueing Networks" (with Trandafir R.), Proceedings of The 14th International Conference on Systems Science, 11-13 Septembrie 2001, Wroclaw, Polonia, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawskiej Wroclaw, ISBN 83-7085-575-X, vol II, pp. 125-131, (2001)
- "On Numerical Simulation of Pareto Random Variables" (with Trandafir R.), Proceedings of The 8th Symposium of Mathematics and its Applications, 4-7 November 1999, Timisoara, (This volume is an extension of the Buletinul Stiintific al Universitatii „Politehnica” Timisoara) ISSN 1224-6069, pp. 397-404, (1999)